In order to strengthen the national social protection system, the Government has adopted the National Social Protection Strategy since 2014 to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations and thus make economic growth more inclusive and sustainable.
In this context, (i) Universal Health Coverage (UHC) was initiated in 2014 to ensure access to quality care at lower costs for all populations living in Côte d'Ivoire, (ii) the Social Scheme for Independent Workers (RSTI) was established in 2019, aiming to cover approximately 90% of the active population benefiting from retirement pensions and benefits in case of illness, accidents, or maternity, and the Complementary Capitalization Scheme for civil servants and state agents was introduced in 2021, with the objective of enhancing the retirement pension of beneficiaries through secure, flexible, and remunerated savings.
However, many challenges remain to be addressed. Indeed, a large part of the population is still in a state of acute vulnerability. Challenges therefore persist in the fight against poverty, access to basic social services, economic and social inclusion of the most vulnerable, the level of coverage provided by existing social protection mechanisms, and overall governance of the system.
This is why the Government, through the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (MEPS), has developed a new National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS) for the period 2024-2028, which builds on the achievements of the first strategy, as well as on the national context and economic and social orientation documents. Through this national strategy, the Government aligns itself with the major international guidelines adopted by the United Nations (Social Protection Floor and Sustainable Development Goals) and, at the regional level, by the African Union (Agenda 2063). Furthermore, the Government pursues a strategic vision for social protection, which is to: “have a universal, integrated, and responsive social protection system that ensures minimum social standards and access to quality basic social services for workers, households, and individuals, especially the most vulnerable, thereby enhancing their resilience to economic and social shocks and improving their well-being.”
The objective of the new NSPS is to achieve a universal and integrated social protection system that ensures resilience for workers, households, and individuals, particularly the most vulnerable, in the face of economic and social shocks and enhances their well-being. The strategic axes of the NSPS 2024-2028 aim to reduce the poverty rate from 39.40% in 2018 to 28.60% in 2028; increase the proportion of informal sector and rural workers enrolled in the RSTI from 2.5% in 2022 to 75% in 2028, and those enrolled in UHC from 18% in 2022 to 90% in 2028.
Scope of Social Protection
The social protection system comprises three components: social insurance (the contributory branch of social protection), social assistance (the non-contributory branch), and social legislation.
Social insurance is contributory in nature and generally linked to employment, through the payment of contributions by employees and/or their employers.
Social assistance is defined as aid provided by the State of Côte d'Ivoire to indigent individuals (social assistance, productive social safety nets).
Social legislation is the essential foundation of any social protection system. The right of individuals to protection against risks is subject to appropriate legislation.
Social Protection Institutions in Côte d'Ivoire
Social security in Côte d'Ivoire is ensured by three institutions.
Social Protection Institution - General Retirement Fund for State Agents (IPS-CGRAE), created by decree No. 2012-367 of April 18, 2012. Its purpose is to manage, for the benefit of beneficiaries, the mandatory pension schemes, complementary or special schemes. It collects the employee and employer contributions for retirement insurance.
The IPS-CGRAE oversees the complementary retirement scheme by capitalization.
Established in 2020 by Decree No. 2020-528 of June 24, 2020, the complementary retirement scheme by capitalization is a mechanism through which members make contributions to secure a retirement pension amount that closely matches the income they earned during their working life. It is intended only for civil servants and state agents in active service. It is mandatory for all civil servants and state agents recruited after the date of the decree's signature and voluntary for those already in service as of that date.
Social Protection Institution - National Social Protection Fund (IPS-CNPS), created by decree No. 2000-487 of July 12, 2000, to manage the mandatory social protection scheme for the private sector and similar entities.
The IPS-CNPS manages the Social Scheme for Independent Workers (RSTI), which came into effect in 2020 following Ordinance No. 2019-636 of July 17, 2019, establishing social protection schemes for independent workers, Decree No. 2020-308 setting the operational modalities for social protection schemes for independent workers, and Order No. 2020-065/MEPS/CAB of July 16, 2020, setting the minimum contribution income by socio-professional category and the income ceiling for the social scheme for independent workers.
The RSTI is the basic social protection scheme for independent workers, and contributions are determined based on the declared flat income of the independent worker, referencing a variable floor income according to socio-professional categories and within the limit of a ceiling income set by order of the minister in charge of social protection.
Social Protection Institution - National Health Insurance Fund (IPS-CNAM),
Created by decree No. 2014-395 of June 25, 2014, it manages, provides services, and collects contributions related to Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Universal Health Coverage was established by Law No. 2014-131 of March 24, 2014. It includes two schemes:
A contributory scheme, called the Basic General Scheme (RGB), financed by contributions from insured individuals. In this scheme, the insured pays a co-payment representing 30% of the cost of the service, and the CNAM covers the remaining 70%;
A non-contributory scheme, called the Medical Assistance Scheme (RAM), which targets economically weak or destitute households for which the State covers the payment of contributions, and for which the insured is covered 100%.
The employer is required to:
affiliate with the CNPS and register their employees;
submit a request for the registration of their employees with the IPS-CNAM within 8 days from the date of the first hire.
Any independent worker or person engaged in non-salaried professional activity must mandatorily register with the CNPS.
Affiliation with the UHC is mandatory for:
civil servants and state agents;
pensioners affiliated with the CGRAE;
employees and retirees from the private sector affiliated with the CNPS;
independent workers in the informal and/or agricultural sectors;
students and pupils;
unemployed individuals.
Each insured member receives a UHC insurance card that displays their social security number. Additionally, foreign nationals can also be affiliated with the basic UHC scheme based on the following criteria:
residing in Côte d'Ivoire continuously for more than one year;
being in a regular situation regarding the legislation on the stay of foreigners in Côte d'Ivoire;
engaging in a professional activity and fulfilling all tax obligations related to that activity.
Reforms in the Social Protection Sector
The reforms planned by the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection are as follows:
finalization and creation of the occupational risk branch for civil servants and state agents: this reform aims to provide better social coverage for public sector workers and limit social risks such as workplace accidents and occupational diseases. The draft law related to this reform has been developed and validated by all stakeholders. It has been submitted to the Government General Secretariat for adoption on June 3, 2024, by letter No. 1249/MEPS/CAB-00/CTMLT. The physical execution rate is estimated at 85%;
finalization and creation of an unemployment insurance scheme for all workers: this reform aims to protect employees when they lose their jobs. The conclusions of the feasibility and design studies for unemployment insurance have been delivered. Draft texts are currently being developed. The physical execution rate is estimated at 50%;
finalization and creation of the complementary capitalization scheme for private sector workers: the draft decree for this reform has been developed and validated by stakeholders. It has been submitted for adoption to the Government General Secretariat on June 3, 2024, by letter No. 1249/MEPS/CAB-00/CTMLT. The physical execution rate is estimated at 85%;
finalization and creation of housing retirement benefits for all public, private, and independent workers: the conclusions of the feasibility and design studies for housing retirement have been delivered. The draft decree is currently being developed. The physical execution rate is estimated at 50%;
revision of the texts governing social security in the private sector to improve the level of benefits for the branches of occupational accidents/diseases, maternity, and family allowances: feasibility studies related to the development of the texts have been completed and validated by the General Directorate and the Board of Directors of the IPS CNPS. Draft laws and decrees are currently being developed. The physical execution rate is estimated at 50%.
The elements for assessing the prospects in the Social Protection sector focus on the following points:
the creation of new branches of social protection (occupational risks for civil servants and state agents, unemployment insurance for all workers, complementary capitalization scheme for private sector workers);
the strengthening of the promotion and social protection system;
the development of strategies to create favorable conditions for the productivity of vulnerable populations;
the construction, rehabilitation, and equipping of social centers;
the strengthening of measures aimed at enrolling Ivorian populations in the UHC;
the development of better partnerships and coordination of actions with the private sector, civil society, local authorities, and development partners.